Diversified adjusting
The cornerstone of chiropractic, a chiropractic adjustment also known as a chiropractic or spinal manipulation involves applying manipulation or movement to a joint or joints that have abnormal or restricted movements patterns. The ultimate goal of the chiropractic adjustment is to increase the joint(s) range of motion, reduce nerve irritability, and improve joint functionality.
Functional and kinetic treatment with rehab (Faktr) using instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (iastm)
IASTM utilizes unique instruments and technique to enable the treatment of scar tissue and fascial restrictions. This allows for faster rehabilitation and with greater success when the goal is restoring range of motion, eliminating pain, and restoring normal function. FAKTR is an approach that utilizes many manual and instrument-assisted soft tissue techniques and incorporates functional rehabilitation through provocation and movement.
Myofascial active release
Myofascial active release is a soft tissue method that is mainly focused on relieving tension in muscles, tendons, and ligaments by way of releasing adhesions that may develop in the tissues as a result of injury, whether acute or chronic. The main goal of myofascial active release treatment is to restore motion and eliminate any possible nerve entrapments in the soft tissue.